Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An Idyllic Day

Just for the record, not every day is like this, lest you think I live a charmed life. Well, actually, I DO live a charmed life, but not every day is like this......

3 women. 3 kayaks. 1 pick-up truck. A couple of beers and lunch.

Floating without sound except the occasional splash of paddles, or the patches of rapids and rocks.

Clear water. Sandy bottom. 5 painted turtles. An assortment of fish. A great blue heron. 2 bald eagles. An albino great blue heron? 3 mallards. Another unidentifiable bird watching us drift by. (Next time: binoculars and a bird book)

Beached on the right bank. Egg salad and spinach sandwiches with onion and garlic cheese. Fresh mango. Trail mix. A toffee bar. A diet wild cherry Pepsi. A self-picture with the camera propped on a rock.

Portage around one tree. Limbo under another. Rock the kayak over a third. Hopping out to free oneself from the occasional sandbar or rock.

Laughter. Silent companionship. Pulling up to home. A relaxed drive back to the truck.

BLTs for supper. A good friend visiting at home. Examining dh's workshop in the barn. Burning a massive hornet's nest out of a fallen tree.

Soccer practice. Three laps around the park for a run=4.4 miles. The crunch of fine gravel under feet. Rhythmic breathing. Strong legs. Soft ground.

Home. A hot shower. Kissing boys goodnight. A cup of tea. Cool, cotton sheets.

Contentment. Fullness of heart.

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