Thursday, September 13, 2007

Brats or Sweat?

I'm sitting here and I keep getting a whiff of what smells like bratwursts. And it seems to be coming from me. Are any of you firm enough in your self confidence to admit something like that???

We had an open house/brat fry at school tonight and I helped serve a part of it. And I grilled the nearly 100 brats on my deck yesterday afternoon. I think the smell is stuck in my nose. And on my skin.

I just love the parish/school community that we are part of. There are so many people with such big hearts and gifts and willingness to help. It's overwhelming at times to experience. And very humbling.

The richness of community.

hmmmmm.....and I keep getting a whiff of sweat. And it seems to be coming from me. I went running in the dark and the rain after the open house.

Brats and sweat. Isn't my husband lucky tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take a shower.