Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Something happened at mass today. I was holding and bouncing my 9-month-old. He was just starting to get fussy after the homily. I was thinking about Mother's Day and what it means to be a mom and how much I need God's help to raise these boys to know Him. And I realized I wasn't paying much attention to the Nicene Creed we were reciting as a weekly statement of our faith. I forced my mind back to the meanings behind the words I was speaking. And I started saying it in my little one's ear.

As if I was teaching it to him. And I remembered I so desperately want all my children to know that creed. To KNOW that creed. And to know of whom it teaches. To KNOW of Whom it teaches.

And saying it like that--like a lesson to my little one's ear, made it vibrant once again, and so vital.

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